Means by which the item is contained - one of:
Identifies the grouping of related items to which this one belongs. For example, all ability scores will have the same compset, all skills will have the same compset, etc.
Full description of the item for presentation to the user.
There are frequently situations where items will be nested in the export. Typical examples include complex items built from multiple component items, items slotted into another (e.g. batteries and ammo for weapons), and gear stored within other gear. When any of these situations arise, any items held within another will appear within an "items" object on the containing item, and each such item will have an additional property that indicates the nature of the containment.
Name of the item for display.
Short summary of the item for display to the user.
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There are frequently situations where items will be nested in the export. Typical examples include complex items built from multiple component items, items slotted into another (e.g. batteries and ammo for weapons), and gear stored within other gear. When any of these situations arise, any items held within another will appear within an "items" object on the containing item, and each such item will have an additional property that indicates the nature of the containment.