Challenge rating for the character. Values from 1 upwards indicate that number as the CR. Other values and their meanings are: 0 = 1/2, -1 = 1/3, -2 = 1/4
Net encumbrance rating of the character. See CarryingLevel constants.
Bulk threshold at which the actor becomes Encumbered.
Net Fame possessed by the character for use in Starfinder Society play.
Current level of the character without any adjustments applied.
Current level of the character with adjustments applied, such as negative level effects.
Bulk threshold at which the actor becomes Overburdened.
Size rating of the character. See Size constants.
Size rating of the weapons that can be comfortably wielded by the character. See Size constants.
Starfinder Society ID for the character, as assigned by the player and starting at 701. When combined with the actSocietyId, a unique id is generated for the character.
Starfinder Society ID for the player, as issued by the SFS.
Amount of XP awarded when the actor is vanquished by the PCs.
Generated using TypeDoc
Game values for the Starfinder game system.